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Live streaming via RTMP

How to live stream using RTMP and external production.

Jonathan Rintala avatar
Written by Jonathan Rintala
Updated over a month ago

You can use Univid:s webinar studio for an easy way to run professional live productions.

However, if you have a more advanced setup - and want to have full control and do local production through a software like OBS, Vmix, or similar. Univid also supports streaming via RTMP.

1. Selecting RTMP as streaming option

First you will select RTMP as the streaming option for your webinar.

2. Creating streaming key and URL

Then you will create your streaming key and URL.

Copy RTMP Key and RTMP URL from your live streaming platform or webinar software

Choosing latency

When streaming via RTMP, Univid supports a few different latencies.

Latency - the delay between the studio and attendee when live streaming. Normally up to 45 seconds, but in Univid as low as 3 seconds as it's built for interaction.

The attendee will generally never notice the latency. The main ones to choose from in Univid are:

  • Regular: 12s

  • Low: 3s

Choose the latency you prefer and press "create key".

Which latency to choose?

Generally if you have a very slow or unreliable internet - the regular option might give you a bit more slack. But for most use cases both should be completely fine as long as you configure the encoding settings correctly.

3. Configure your encoder

Go back to your encoder and input the A. RTMP URL and B. RTMP key in the designated fields. This links your encoder to the right destination - your streaming platform.

RTMP How to livestream guide - Step 3

Recommended encoding settings

It's important you have the right encoding settings configured in your local software when streaming to Univid.

Find the recommended settings in Univid, as shown below, once you created your RTMP URL and key:

4. Test things out

You are now ready to start to stream to Univid and test your stream out.

Note: Nothing will go live for the attendees automatically. You are in control of when you publish the stream.

Before you have published the stream

As soon as you start to stream to the streaming key and URL, you will see a preview of your stream in the small video window to your left.

RTMP How to livestream guide - Step 4 - Test your livestream

The attendees NOT see the stream yet. They will instead, see the following built in countdown and splash image (that is configured in the Univid webinar design section).

You publish the stream by pressing "Publish stream". You can do this to test before, but then any attendees inside of the webinar will see the stream - so make sure it's OK or use a test webinar.

If you unpublish the stream, the attendees will not see the stream anymore and it will jump back to the "preview mode".

5. Go live

You are now ready to go live. Start to stream in good time before. See that you get your preview and press "publish" when you want the attendees to see the stream.

RTMP How to livestream guide - Step 5 - Go live

That's it!

FAQ - Live streaming via RTMP

Can I stream multiple times on each streaming link?

Yes, you can start and stop the stream multiple times on the same link. βœ… Make sure you pause a bit (around the time for the latency) in between stopping and starting.

Will it be recorded in the cloud?

Yes - as soon as you stream to the RTMP link your video will be recorded in Univid. However, we always recommend to record locally too - if you have the option.

Where will I find the recordings?

You can find the recordings afterwards, when you have pressed "end webinar". But after you have pressed "end webinar" you will not be able to stream in that webinar again, so be sure when you do it. Learn more about how to activate on-demand mode and access recording here.

Can I embed my own external live streaming link instead?

If you have your own streaming servers, and want to host live stream on your own side, Univid also support embedding of most HLS links directly.

Try your streaming link here to see if it is supported:

And read more about embedding an external live streaming link here.

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